S Loyalty Help Center

[Shopify] How can I restore my Loyalty Widget after I change my store theme?

Last Updated:

The display of our widget and overlays are controlled via the presence of our code snippets and snippet files in your theme template. If your Rewards Tab or any of the Loyalty Program overlays are not appearing on your store, it may be because our storefront code snippet was removed from your store. This can happen when you change your store theme.


App embed

To add the Loyalty Widget back to your store, please follow the steps below:

  1. Go to your Shopify Admin Console, on the left sidebar, under "Online Store", click “Themes”.
  2. Click “Customize theme”
  3. Click the third logo, “App embed” on the left navigation and make sure it is turned on for S Loyalty.
  4. Click “Save”



After embedding the app, you will be able to see the Loyalty Widget on your website (if you are using our Loyalty Program) and open different overlays generated by our apps by following the links below:

  • Loyalty Program - FAQ: http://<Your Domain Name>/#!faq/
  • Loyalty Program - Reward Redemption: http://<Your Domain Name>/#!redeem/
  • Loyalty Program - History: http://<Your Domain Name>/#!history/
  • Loyalty Program - My Rewards: http://<Your Domain Name>/#!rewards/
  • Refer-a-Friend - Sharing Overlay: http://<Your Domain Name>/#!sharing/


If you tried the steps above and are still having issue, please feel free to contact us at support@sloyalty.com


Insert code snippets

If you installed our app after May 3, you will be using our new Merchant Console and you should be able to insert the code snippets through our Storefront Integration tab. Please refer to the instructions below:

  1. Go to Theming -> Storefront Integration
  2. Click “Insert Storefront Code” under the Loyalty Program Theme Snippets Section

Our system will now upload the code snippets and snippet files to your theme template. You should see the status all checked as per the screenshot below if the setup is completed.  
