To close your S Loyalty account, go to "Close Account" under the "Account" section on your Merchant Console to initiate the uninstall process.
Afterwards, to fully uninstall and clean up, please make sure that all of the following tasks, if applicable, are completed for your store.
1. Remove our scripts from your theme templates (if still present):
- Go to Online Store > Themes section on your store.
- Hover over Actions (please see below) and click "Edit code".
- Select "theme.liquid".
- Remove (if present) the line
{%include "sloyalty-statusbar"%}
- Click "Save".
2. Remove any unredeemed and unused discount codes
- Go to Discounts section on your store.
- All S Loyalty generated discount codes started with "SL".
3. Remove our script from "Shopify: Order processing - Additional content & scripts" (if applicable)
- Go to Settings -> Checkout -> Order Processing on your store.
- Remove the following lines (if present) from the textbox in the section "Additional content & scripts:"
<div class="sloyalty-widget" data-shop="{{ shop.permanent_domain }}"
data-order-id="{{ id }}" data-order-email="{{ email }}"></div>
<script src="//"></script> - Click "Save"
4. Remove Rewards Link from your navigation (if you have set up a Rewards Link)
- Go to Online Store -> Navigation on your store.
- Under Main Menu, click "Edit Menu"
- Click on the trash icon at the "Rewards Program" link.