Please note that this feature is only available to merchants who installed the latest version of our app and subscribed to our Standard Plan or above.
By default, customers will see the loyalty tab (as per screenshot below) showing up at the bottom of the screen after installing our app.

If you would like to add a link to your navigation menu for customers to access the loyalty program, you may setup the Rewards Link. Below screenshot is an example of the Rewards Link added into the navigation menu on our Demo store. You may refer to our Demo store and see how it works from a shopper perspective.

For Shopify merchants:
To enable the Rewards Link, please follow the instructions below:
- go to Theming -> Rewards Tab & Link -> Rewards Link
- click "Add Rewards Link"
- click "Done, Turn On Rewards Link Now"
- go to Shopify Admin -> Online Store -> Navigation
- click to edit '"Main menu"
- click "Add menu item"
- update "Links To..." as "Web address"
- paste rewardslink in 'Link' field and choose a name you want then click "Add"
To open corresponding tab, replaced {your domain} by your domain name.
The link will fresh to the store landing page and open the overlay as default, you may customize the link to direct to other store pages. For example, if you want the overlay to open on My Account page on your store, use https://YOURSTOREDOMAIN/account?rewardsmgr=XXX
You may also add the reward link to your footer or anywhere in your theme template to integrate the loyalty program into your store.
For BigCommerce merchants:
Since different theme has different file structure, please try the steps below:
- go to BigCommerce Admin -> Storefront Content -> Web Pages
- click "Create a Web page"
- select "Link to another website or document"
- Fill in "Page Name" and "link" under "Web Page Details" section,
To open corresponding tab, add the corresponding link in front of "?rewardsmgr="
The link will fresh to the store landing page and open the overlay as default, you may customize the link to direct to other store pages. For example, if you want the overlay to open on My Account page on your store, use https://YOURSTOREDOMAIN/account?rewardsmgr=XXX
- Keep "Navigation Menu" checkbox under 'Navigation Menu Options' ticked and save
The rewards link should show up on your store now.
You may also add the reward link to your footer or in your theme template to integrate the loyalty program into your store.