Welcome to the S Loyalty Setup Guide. In this guide, we will walk you through the five steps to launching your store’s loyalty program. You can get set up in minutes and your next shoppers can immediately begin earning points!
Once you download the S Loyalty App from the Shopify App store or BigCommerce Apps Marketplace, you will see a Setup Wizard that helps you get started.
All new merchants using S Loyalty will enjoy a 14-day free trial. During and after the trial, you can choose to continue using one of our paid plans or our free plan. Note that if you do not choose a plan after the trial, the program will be paused and your customers will not be able to redeem rewards, but will continue earning points for the next 30 days.
Below, we will explain the five sections of the Setup Wizard:
Setup wizard - 1. Program
Name your loyalty program
Primary language
You will have these major languages to choose from: English, French, Spanish, German, Traditional Chinese, and Japanese. If you have a multilanguage store with Weglot or Langify, please set up your primary and secondary languages in the app console to display the right language to your shoppers.
Learn more: Guide to Setting Up S Loyalty’s Multi-language Feature
Program name
Your default store loyalty program will be called “Your Store Name rewards”.
You can change this to match your brand character if you like. Note that a custom program name comes with the Basic Plan ($19.99/month) or above, so you will have to subscribe to a paid plan after the 14-day trial to continue using your custom rewards name.
Set up point earning rules for orders
Earning ratio
You can choose the number of points a customer earns per $1 spent in your store’s default currency. For example, you can set 10 points for every $1 spent or 100 points per $1 spent.
If you are using a large denomination currency (such as JPY, INR, and IDR) you may want to have 1 point per 100, 1000, or 10,000 spent instead. You can also find out more here.
Note: Once you have set the point earning ratio, you will not be able to edit this ratio from the app console to protect the value of shoppers’ already earned points. If you would like help changing your ratio, please contact our support team.
Earning condition
This section allows you to choose when customers will see the points update on their account.
If you are a Shopify merchant, you can choose to give your merchants points earned when an order has been Paid, Fulfilled, and Paid or Fulfilled (whichever comes first).
If you are a BigCommerce merchant, you will have the options Shipped, Completed, and Shipped or Completed (whichever comes first).
Learn more: How do customers earn points?
Setup wizard - 2. Members
Member eligibility
A customer must have a store account on your Shopify store to be eligible for the loyalty program. S Loyalty will automatically add your customer with a Shopify account into your loyalty program and they will begin earning points.
Set up member enrollment options
Welcome bonus: You can make use of the welcome bonus to encourage new shoppers to make a purchase. Based on your points earning ratio and the points required for your rewards, you can set a bonus that may help them with their first purchase.
Note: For the first 14 days of your free trial, you will be able to use this welcome bonus. After your 14-day trial, you will have to subscribe to a paid plan for this feature to continue to work. If you do not subscribe to a plan by the end of the 14-day trial, you can re-install the app in the future to start a new loyalty program.
Exclude customers by tag (Optional): This feature to exclude selected customers is available only to Pro Plan merchants. Merchants with high volume sales may want to offer a loyalty program for certain types of customers. If this feature is activated, S Loyalty will automatically exclude any customer tagged with “excluded” in your Shopify admin console. You can learn more in our support article.
Point earning model
Your loyalty program will be active once you finish the S Loyalty Setup Wizard. This means any new orders will be given the points based on the point earning rules you have set.
You will also be able to set more point earning rules, such as manually giving points to specific customers or adding points expiry. To make the most of your program, you can also reward customers for past orders by adding them manually from the S Loyalty app console.
All S Loyalty paid plans also enjoy advanced points earning options, such as a $30 minimum spend to earn points or limiting the items that can be redeemed as a reward.
Setup wizard - 3. Rewards
Set up rewards
S Loyalty gives you a variety of reward options to fit your business needs. When a customer redeems a reward with their points, they will receive a unique discount code which they can enter into their next purchase in your store.
The S Loyalty Setup Wizard helps you get started on setting up your first reward. During the 14-day trial, you can try all available S Loyalty rewards options.
To get started, you can create a simple reward such as 100 points redeems a $10 off coupon.
You can also create more sophisticated rewards such as 100 points redeems a $10 off coupon for purchases over $50.
Currently, you can create the following types of reward for your customers to redeem:
- fixed amount off discount for all orders
- fixed amount off discount for orders over a certain value
- fixed amount off discount for a specific product or specific product collection
- percentage off discount for all orders
- percentage off discount for orders over a certain value
- percentage off discount for a specific product or specific product collection
- free shipping for any shipping rate less than or equal to a certain value
- free product
- pay with points discount (e.g $1 for every 1 point.) [for Shopify merchants only]
- store credit [for Bigcommerce merchants only]
Learn more: Advanced Options for Rewards Creation
You can also see the latest rewards options here.
To continue offering rewards after your 14-day trial, you must choose one of the S Loyalty plans, free or paid. A free plan is only available to stores with 100 or fewer monthly orders and supports up to 3 rewards of a fixed amount off, without conditions. If you are enjoying the advanced rewards features, you can select a paid plan that supports the features you use.
Setup wizard - 4. Theming
Select color theme
Your loyalty program comes with a store overlay that displays information on:
- Available rewards
- Points earning
- FAQs for the loyalty program
To start, you can choose one of our pre-designed color themes.
Standard Plan ($39.99/month) and above merchants can also enjoy advanced customizations after the Setup Wizard and upgrading to the paid plan. You can then load an optional widget embedded in your store and upload your own custom Signature theme design. For inspiration on a Signature theme, you can see merchant gallery here.
Setup wizard - 5. Launch
Now, you’re ready to launch your loyalty program!
This page helps you review the key choices for your loyalty program setup. Check the following:
- Program name is either the default “rewards” or customized name if you intend to upgrade to a paid plan
- Earning ratio is the number of points per local currency spend (if you are a large denomination currency, please contact us to reverse the ratio)
- Earning condition: when customers will have points added to their account
- Account email: double check it is an active e-mail that can receive updates
I do not want to show the loyalty program on my store yet.
This checkbox is optional. If you check this box to hide your loyalty program, your store overlay information will be hidden, and customers will not be notified that they are earning points, but the S Loyalty app will still calculate their earned points based on purchases. Once you are ready to activate your loyalty program, customers will be delighted to learn they have been earning points all this time!
Once you click the launch button, your loyalty program will be active and customers making purchases immediately after will begin earning points if they have a Shopify store account.
Congratulations! Your loyalty program is live! Now sit back and let your loyalty program do the work of delighting your shoppers.
What’s Next?
We encourage you to place a test order after your loyalty program is live. This helps you see how your loyalty program looks to your customers, how points are added and rewards redeemed.
To make the most of S Loyalty, you can check our S Loyalty Help Center, where you can find information on:
- Getting Started
- Customers
- Personalization and Campaigns
- Rewards
- Storefront Integration
- Account and Subscription
If you have any changes that you would like to make to your loyalty program after setup, you can also reach out using the Support button at the bottom right of our Help Center. We are always happy to help!
What happens after the 14-day trial?
Note: All merchants enjoy a 14-day free trial of S Loyalty upon installation. Before the trial ends, you will need to choose a plan to continue the service, including S Loyalty’s free plan. If you do not select a plan by the end of the trial, your customers will no longer be able to select rewards, but they can continue to earn points for the next 30 days. After the additional 30 days, your S Loyalty account will be closed. To ensure you can keep your customers engaged, make sure you select a plan at the end of the trial!
More about S Loyalty’s Free plan
To support emerging brands, S Loyalty offers a free plan for stores with average monthly orders of 100 or below. The free plan supports up to 3 rewards of a fixed amount-off reward type with no conditions. The free plan does not have many advanced features that you may have tried. Once you’re ready, you can upgrade to a paid plan to enjoy some of our most popular loyalty features, such as the welcome bonus, points and codes expiration and bonus points campaigns.